The Great Architecture of Gedung Sate, Bandung

Gedung Sate is one of the attractions of the destination in the city of Bandung. Special foreign tourists visited many of these because they are aware of emotional attachment and history of this building. The relevance of this history of emotions and feel more complete when climbing the steps one by one, as for the tower Gedung Sate is available. There are 6 steps that must be made by each of the 10 steps that need to be passed up.
Gedung Sate beauty has surrounded a well-tended garden, was not surprised when the park is preferred by people of Bandung, the national and foreign tourists. The beauty of the park is often used as a family business bernuansakan, shooting a music video artists local and national artists, the situation of family photos or a photo of himself and even wedding photography.

The weekday special environment the Sate House lawn decisions are made, where people relax more, enjoy outdoor seating or light exercise in the city of Bandung.

Gedung Sate confrontation with the government buildings (Capitol Building) in many of the nation's capital does not seem excessive. The equation is all built in the middle of the park with a magnificent central tower. In particular with regard to the location of the structure and landscape Satay relatively similar to the White House in Washington, DC, USA. Gedung Sate can only say, "The White House" was the city of Bandung.


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