Karapan Sapi (Bull Race) : The Unique Tradition From Madura Island - Surabaya


As than known Sate Madura and salt production, the island of Madura, has many cultural traditions. One is a tradition, a Karapan Sapi is (pronounced Bull Race) defines the concept of cow competitive race. Karapan Sapi was here before the fifteenth century after Christ.

In this race, pulled a couple of cows, the type of timber trains (which are driven jockey and control of these two cows), in the race against the competition from other pairs of cows. Track races are typically about 100 meters to race and the race takes about ten to fifteen seconds.

This is a prestigious event for the people of Madura bull owners to find their social status, is increased if the vaccine can be a champion. Ruminants also used as another investment in gold and money. Not surprisingly, when the cattle karape owners do everything possible so that the cows with the purpose of the exercise karape winners in each season. Most cows race came from Sapudi Island [read: Athletes Race Bull Congress Party]. From the outset, a small island off the eastern tip of the island of Madura was a seed store cow.

District in the district tournament begins and ends with the level of Karisidenan. Several cities in karape Madura cattle in August and September of each year, faced with the ultimate end of September or October in the city Pamekasan tickets for the Presidents Cup.


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